V.2 Ukraine

V.2 Ukraine

The family of Meier Hutstein lived around Kolomea, a city in the western part of Ukraine, a former part of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Pinkas Hutstein is a registered home owner in Kolomea 1818. Probably he was Meier’s father. Descendants of Leia Jutta Hutstein in Kolomea moved to Vienna, Austria, the capitol of the empire. There, some of them became victims of the Holocaust during world war II.

Kolomea / Ukraine map

You may want to visit a Jewish history site of Kolomea.



From hero to zero

From hero to zero

Simon Hutstein, a jewish carver from Vienna and soldier got caught at the eastern front of the Austrian empire and became prisoner of war on Sept. 7th, 1915. He was transported to a PoW camp in the very far east, in Nikolsk-Ussuryisk, close to Vladivostok, Russia. From there he was released in Nov. 23rd, 1920, and came back home via Frankfurt, Germany.

After the uniting of the German 3rd Reich with Austria he and his family immediately became target of the the Nazis. Shortly before he was transported into a concentration camp he died in Vienna. His wife Feiga Reicher  was murdered in the camp Maly Trostinec. 

Holocaust and concentration camps

Karl Hutsteiner an active member of the communist party in Munich spent more than 2 years in Dachau concentration camp from 2.9.1936 to 20.4.1939


Josef Hutsteiner was killed by medical doctors as part of the euthanasia program of the Nazis.


Simon Hutstein, jewish, died in Vienna

entrance sign to Maly Trostinets concentration camp


Feiga Reicher, wife of Simon Hutstein, jewish, was murdered in the quite unknown concentration camp Maly Trostinets, close to Minsk.




Sobibor railway station

Jacob Blok, a dutch jew and husband of Margaretha Hutsteiner from Windischgarsten in Austria, was murdered in Sobibor. His mother was killed in Auschwitz. 




Augusta Hutstein was deported to concentration camp Saint-Cyprien, South-France, in May 1940, a lesser-known camps in France, which was set up primarily to accommodate refugees from the Spanish Civil War, but then used by the Nazis for Jews and other prisoners. Nearly five thousand Jews expelled from Belgium were held at Saint-Cyprien before being deported to the East for extermination.



Hutstein Chaje (camp Saint-Cyprien)


Hanna Hutstein was a jewish woman deported from Czech republic to the ghetto Lubartow, district of Lublin, Poland.

VI. Holzstein and Hutstein

VI. Holzstein and Hutstein

Hutstein Martin *1748 in Allersberg

Another issue came up with Hutstein Simon, son of Hutstein Martin in Preith, grandson of Holzsteiner Adam allegedly from Amberg. 

This family seems not to be a part of any ‘Hutstein/Hutsteiner’-line but to ‘Holzstein’ resp. `Holzsteiner` instead. Sometimes these family names became mixed up. Perhaps this happened here, too. 

While Adam and most of his children were recorded as Holzstein resp.  Holzsteiner, only Martin was recorded as “Hutstein” (Huetstein) and his mother`s death within official church books. And he and his descendants kept this family name, founding another Hutstein family line during the 19th century until the family name got extinct at the beginning of the 20th century. 

death record of Adam Holzsteiner in parish Freystadt 1788
birth record of Martin Huetstein in Asbach, parish Allersberg


death record of Anna Maria Holzstein in Schoenbrunn, parish Allersberg, 1752
baptism record of Maria Eva Holzsteiner, 1751 in Asbach, parish Allerberg




death record of Caecilia Huthstein 1782 in parish Forchheim




Nevertheless, there is still the possibility existing that it happened exactly the other way, i.e. that a Hutsteiner family member got named Holzsteiner.

A more in depth research will be necessary to find the physical origin of Johann Adam which will shed some light into his family origin: Holzsteiner or Hutsteiner ? 

I.3.5 Holzstein | HUTSTEIN Origins


Hutstein Holzstein